Saturday, November 14, 2009


I'm realizing more and more that there are way too many cutesy quaint towns in this part of France (as, I am sure, there are in others). So how do you narrow it down?

Go where you know somebody. My roommates and I went to Lamballe, a town 10 minutes via train, with a few of the German assistants to visit another German assistant, who was living by herself and invited us to spend the jour férié (one-day holiday. I forgot what the name was. The French have too many of them!)

So happy to be in Lamballe!

There wasn't much to sight-see, but we all remarked that Lamballe was much prettier AND cleaner than St-Brieuc. Guess that's what happens when you have a smaller town- it's easier to take care of. Of course, nothing was open due to the holiday so we just had lunch at Britta's place and played a few rounds of of Skip-Bo (kind of like Uno and Solitaire put together).

Next Brittany town to see: St-Malo on Sunday. This time, we won't know anyone, but it's okay. I'm very excited because it's supposed to be a very picturesque town (not that most of them aren't, but this is "The Big One"). I've been toying with the panoramic feature on my camera, but I'm still not sure if it'll work the way I want it to. Wish I knew how to use Photoshop better so I can make photo composites, but, tant pis.

Bon week-end!

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