Sunday, November 21, 2010

Le quotidien courant

+ Walk in the park
+ 30 years
+ Evening views
+ Craft dinner
+ Church balloon release

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doctor Zhivago

Lara: Wouldn't it have been lovely if we'd met before?
Zhivago: Before we did? Yes.
Lara: We'd have got married, had a house and children. If we'd had children, Yuri, would you like a boy or girl?
Zhivago: I think we may go mad if we think about all that.
Lara: I shall always think about it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


*The above photos labeled by 'esther (a)h kim' have been experimentally edited by me, so I take no credit for the original. Simply wanted to see how they would look in another light (Mommy's sorry, dear. You just inspire me.)

Shake your head. Rinse. Repeat. Focus.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Sartorialist

I haven't updated in a while. I know. This is what having a 9-to-6 does: robs me of any free time. My Google Reader is woefully backed-up to the thousands (nothing more nerve-wrecking than a bunch of unread posts) and having no life in general. Including worrying about nothing beyond my Google Reader. But anyways!

Finally spared a moment last night with friends to go see The Sartorialist at a gallery show he had here in Atlanta. Fairly small, but crowded, and brimming with wannabe Sartorialists that made for great people-watching:

The man himself!

Happy weekend xoxo

Saturday, August 28, 2010

La nouveauté

Fall ready.

Beanie, handmade gift from my dear friend Susan.
"Why The Caged Bird Sings" by esther (a)h kim.
Necklaces, from Forever 21 and Charming Charlie.
Travel + Leisure, this month's issue. Has me thinking me of Paris and France all over again, as if I needed the reminder.

So, for those that may not know, my unemployed spell has finally come to end - I am now a copywriter for a marketing agency here in Atlanta :) Still getting my bearings on with this industry that I'm not yet all too familiar with, but I'm looking forward to learning new things, including better billiards skills from the office pool table (!)

Happy weekend! Already looking forward to Labor Day ^^

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paris, un poème


Ville très grande et très petite
très innocente et très rusée
qui se rêve et qui se calcule
qui se médite et se délie
Ville étourdie ville fidèle
qui tient dans le creux de la main
Ville ambiguë ville facile
aussi compliquée que le ciel
aussi réfléchie que la mer
aussi captive que l'étoile
aussi libre qu'un grain de ciel

Ville ouverte et si refermée
ville têtue et ville vaine
où la laideur sait être belle
et la beauté sourire en coin
ville consciente et frivole
du petit jour au petit jour
ville toujours réinventé
ville animale et ville humaine
belle horloge de liberté
et beau jardin de plantes folles
ville insouciante et calculée

Intelligence de la pierre
du ciel des hommes du travail
ville modeste et ville fière
foyer de braise et feu de paille

Camarade Paris.

-- Claude Roy, L'Âme en peine, Un seul poème

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home and heart.

Wow, my last two posts were really cheesy. Sorry for that! I guess this is what happens when you've got nothing else to do, though things have actually been picking up during the past week. I don't want to jinx anything, so I'll keep mum until I'm certain =X You'll know when I know!

In another development, my sis is coming home today from Tokyo! She's been gone for almost exactly a year and I think she's ready to be home. At the very least, I know I'm ready for her, as there is no one quite like your younger sis to bum around with on sluggish summer days :)

Christmas '09/New Year's '10 in Tokyo

Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspiration, dose #2

Hello chingoos. Hope your week has started off well.

Being unemployed has really put me on a roller-coaster through my head and soul this summer. I've reached many low points, surmounted some of the highs and experienced everything in between. It's becoming a day-to-day effort to remain focused on the larger picture and staying optimistic, but I'll live. I am now. :)

That said, unemployment has also allowed me plenty of time to get back to some old hobbies. When I was younger, I took years of after-school art classes. Then I quit somewhere around the 8th grade when I decided I could be way cooler in high school without a paintbrush in my hand. (That obviously didn't work out as planned.) So I recently tried to get back into the watercolor swing-of-things. Mind you, it's been years and I was never a good artist anyway:

The paper is from a pack of blank postcards I'd bought at the Tate Museum in London this past February. I have a slight obsession with postcards. I've bought at least 10 from each city I've been to. The one place I don't have any from? Atlanta. Go fig. Oh, and the Paris one remains unfinished, as I'm trying to find something other than the Eiffel Tower to paint in the middle. Wish I'd planned out the space better beforehand :\

Also went to the Blue Ridge mountains with some friends this past weekend:

I wish I'd taken more photos of the cabin because it was just the cutest thing. Lots of ochre-colored paneling with a bear theme. There were wooden bears hanging on the walls, stitched onto the pillows and towels, teddy bears on the couches.. it was like an Abercrombie ad dream come true, haha.

Bonne semaine, tous.